Updated: 7:45 germany---
the forum I created crash and now doesnt exist since I am the only admin atm and havent deleted it the
the problem is with the boards
I have contacted someone and they are aware of it... said some boards are down for maintence
Deadpool has suggested another board so I might go with it
update 4:45 germany --
I have recreate the forum... the place does still allow free forums so I am not sure what happen I am trying to get a hold of Barriss and I have subbmitted a ticket to IPS about our missing forum
anyhow I have re-created it
heresince I created the avatars/ smilies/ background etc... I have it saved in a file and will soon re load it all and things will be back
I will also recreate the forums
please be patient as this will take time
I could find a registry to redo the forum and Since only Barriss can delete the forum and I doubt she did I think our Forum came victim to a company no longer providing a free service... hey it happens and lets pray blog never does it
I could be wrong... I am currently redoing the forum with another free service company and will post updates
edit: okay when I got it set up I will post a link right now is not a good time because this one isnt working so I will try another site