From a long time ago, all the way to the 24th century- spread out to galaxies far, far away and even planets closer to home. From the cities of Earth, like New York City and West City, to the great cities of Coruscant and Neptonian. Here, the men, women, mutants, aliens, elves, hobbits and those other odd creatures of the bloggersphere boldly go where no blogger has gone before. For one may not always be a hero, but one can always blog...

Monday, February 13, 2006


Hey, I was just fixing up the blog a little. I hope no one minds, but I changed the title so it matched the site address and I added that little description under it. If anyone doesn't like it just tell me and I'll change it back, I just thought it would look nicer this way. And while I'm sprucing it up, does anyone have ideas for links? If you want us to link to something just leave it in a comment and I’ll see what I can do (mind you, they must be family friendly) , cause the 'Google news' and 'edit me’s' are looking kind of sad.

Oh, and I sent invitations to a whole bunch of people that had left comments but had never received an invite and a couple more to other heroes. We are growing! Yay!


Blogger Vegeta said...

looks nice, good yto know there are others joining.

3:26 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

looks great

12:46 AM

Blogger Cardboard Knight said...

Yay! I'll put some stuff in te links... Hmm...

9:42 PM


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