From a long time ago, all the way to the 24th century- spread out to galaxies far, far away and even planets closer to home. From the cities of Earth, like New York City and West City, to the great cities of Coruscant and Neptonian. Here, the men, women, mutants, aliens, elves, hobbits and those other odd creatures of the bloggersphere boldly go where no blogger has gone before. For one may not always be a hero, but one can always blog...

Friday, February 03, 2006

just curious

In The Alright Post Two Lord of the rings bloggers left there emails. Hvae thay been invited to join? Also when you put a link in one of your posts is this done the same way you put links into a Template? Thanks for any help.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I usually use the blogger thing to add a url to a post but I can tell you the html for it if that is what you need

a href="url"

in between <> (hopefully it will show but if not its the greater and lesser than signs)

then a word or picture
then you have to close it
/a in between the greater and lesser than signs

adding target=_new then when they click link a new window will open

here is a url that has some html codes

12:46 PM

Blogger Vegeta said...


1:46 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

you welcome

if you need anything else you can email me, page me on yahoo messenger or shout at me here :)

3:48 PM


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