From a long time ago, all the way to the 24th century- spread out to galaxies far, far away and even planets closer to home. From the cities of Earth, like New York City and West City, to the great cities of Coruscant and Neptonian. Here, the men, women, mutants, aliens, elves, hobbits and those other odd creatures of the bloggersphere boldly go where no blogger has gone before. For one may not always be a hero, but one can always blog...

Sunday, February 26, 2006

What If You're Not Human?

So, I'm neither heroe nor human, according to that title. Where does that place me? The Category of Lost Souls?

Anyways, I'm Arwen, and Legolas better run away.


Blogger Vegeta said...

So? I am A saiyan I'm not even from this planet. But I have gotten used to humans long ago I suppose it should bother me but does not

7:20 PM

Blogger Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator said...

Welcome, would you like a grape soda?

5:37 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am not human nor am I from Earth
but it doesnt matter because we are all united in the bloggersphere

Welcome to Heros United

6:16 AM

Blogger Jedi Healer said...

I'm a hero but I'm not human.

1:41 PM


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