From a long time ago, all the way to the 24th century- spread out to galaxies far, far away and even planets closer to home. From the cities of Earth, like New York City and West City, to the great cities of Coruscant and Neptonian. Here, the men, women, mutants, aliens, elves, hobbits and those other odd creatures of the bloggersphere boldly go where no blogger has gone before. For one may not always be a hero, but one can always blog...

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Heroes United welcomes its newest members

Hey everybody, give a nice big warm welcome to our two new members, MWB's World and Ciera.

MWBWorld has a blog over at LiveJournal and he writes a lot about science fiction, anime, and Bollywood musicals, you know stuff that makes America great. Additionally, MWB's in the presidential race as the notorious Dr. Smith.

Ciera is wrapping up a big story now set in the Star Trek universe and is a frequent commentor on Captain Picard and Fluke Starbucker's blog.

So everyone give these two a big HU welcome. MWB and Ciera, please stand up and take a bow. Now smile and wave. Now shrug uncomfortably and smile at each other. Now bow to your corner, now bow to your own. Feel free to introduce yourselves and post on this here blog. I have you added to the blog roll on the side.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


2:21 AM

Blogger November Rain said...

welcome, from Vampi (as I already stated) Shi and Danny, HS , Justice, Galen and Shiara, Cabain, Black Widow, and all my other characters

5:15 AM

Blogger Ciera said...

whew... I feel dizzy after all that bowing! I think I deserve a hot cocoa after all that!

12:22 AM

Blogger Jean-Luc Picard said...

Glad to know my friend Ciera is on here.

10:20 AM


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