From a long time ago, all the way to the 24th century- spread out to galaxies far, far away and even planets closer to home. From the cities of Earth, like New York City and West City, to the great cities of Coruscant and Neptonian. Here, the men, women, mutants, aliens, elves, hobbits and those other odd creatures of the bloggersphere boldly go where no blogger has gone before. For one may not always be a hero, but one can always blog...

Thursday, June 14, 2007

New Posts for June 14, 2007

Batman gets a makeover.

Professor Xavier is tormented by Mephisto...

As Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator attempts to rescue him.

Vegeta negotiates a few alliances.

Mirror T'Pol is causing trouble on Captain Picard's Enterprise.

Also, check out Jon's post on the Fantasy and Sci-Fi loving blog.



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