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Thursday, November 02, 2006

Happy BDAY

to my little girl Psycho monkey

she is 16 please go by and wish her a happy bday :)

She hasnt posted in a while because she is working on bringing her Geometry grade up but hey I made low grades in geo too so I cant complain.. I am just proud she is trying so hard

Her other grades were really well but she wants to bring that one up so she hasnt been posting but hopes to be back soon


Blogger Nicole said...

Tell her "Happy Birthday" for me, okay?
I turned 16 in September this year too.

3:08 PM

Blogger J'onn J'onzz, Martian Manhunter said...

I'd wish her a happy birthday, but you wouldn't want my bad influence rubbing off on her, would you? ;)

6:12 PM


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